RML The Voice of Trusted Landscape Professionals - JOIN US
RML The Voice of Trusted Landscape Professionals - JOIN US
Monday, June 8, 2020 - 04:55
If you are a landscape business or supplier, but not yet a member, this is the time to consider the benefits of membership in Registered Master Landscapers...
Give your Reputation and Visibility a Lift
Align with the Industry’s Premium Trusted Brand
We're here to support your future business aspirations
- Expand your network with like-minded professionals
- Share your voice to help shape the long term growth and advancement of the NZ Landscape Industry
- Access business support material and specialist advice to grow your business
- Receive exclusive member offers and discounts on products and services
- Grow customer leads from a dedicated business profile page on our website
- Tap into RML exclusive marketing opportunities to reach, members and wider industry supporters
- Participate / gain recognition through our annual Landscape of Distinction Awards
- Receive exclusive sponsorship opportunities to our flagship annual National Landscapes of Distinction Awards and Young Landscaper of the Year competition
- Support development of national professional education and training initiatives for young landscape professionals
- Attach the trusted Registered Master Landscapers brand to your business
Email RML for more information here
Or to chat with one of our team. Call us on FREE PHONE 0508 444 345