COVID-19 Association Update 17th March 2020
COVID-19 Association Update 17th March 2020
17 March 2020
The rapid development of the COVID-19 virus situation is a growing concern for us all and we have undoubtedly challenging times ahead of us. The message from the board is to keep calm, stay connected as a group and support each other through the tough times to come.
This afternoon, the Government announced a relief package to support businesses affected by COVID-19.
You may be eligible to seek assistance via a wage subsidy or leave payment. The details are here. For application as an employer click here, or as a self-employed worker click here.
We will continue to monitor government sites and be proactive in our communications with you as significant announcements are made. For your information., here are the links we are following:
Workplace response to corona virus
Ministry of Health
Work and Income
If you have not yet done so. We strongly recommend all members communicate to staff, contractors and clients, your pandemic policy for health and well being . We have included a check list on what to include. Click here
Regional Meetings
Please note. Because of the expected escalation of the virus, all plans for regional meeting are on hold until further notice.
Landscapes of Distinction Awards/Young Landscaper of the Year Competition
The Landscapes of Distinction Awards Gala Dinner and Young Landscaper of the Year competition are scheduled as you are aware for 14th and 15th August in Christchurch. There is the possibility that we will need to move the event to later in the year. We will advise you when the decision is made. In the meantime, it is “business as usual” for submission to the 2020 online Landscapes of Distinction Awards .
We cannot stress enough, the importance that you don’t delay in making your decision to participate in the Awards. In this current unsettled environment your involvement in the Awards sends a strong message to the market, your customers and suppliers, that your business is successfully working through the crisis . Do not under-estimate how important this continued confidence in your business and our industry will be to you in the coming months. Entries close 30th April 2020.
Keep safe.
Anthony Washington