Allied Concrete

Allied Concrete

Today Allied Concrete and its associated companies have 50 concrete plants throughout the country as well as several mobile plants. With nearly 400 trucks in our modern fleet and our recognised technical expertise, we believe we can be your supplier of choice.


Allied Concrete has an extensive range of READY Solutions for commercial and residential use. The team at Allied Concrete understand that all concrete is not the same and that customers have different needs.

Whether its a concrete mix design specifically required to meet stringent criteria, the ability to supply concrete around the clock, or decorative options, Allied Concrete will work with you to find the right solution from our wide range of concrete products.


Our view is that sustainability is all about meeting the needs of today, without adversely impacting on the needs of tomorrow. We can apply this philosophy across a wide range of areas that influence our business such as the environment society and the economy.

We aim to minimise the use of resources, and energy, every day. Careful dispatching of loads, the reuse of returned concrete (when possible), modern plants and a very efficient fleet all contribute to producing the best product with the least environmental impact possible.

We also recycle returned concrete as concrete blocks, or put the concrete through recyclers to recover the aggregates.

For more information visit our website  -

Or phone us on  - 0800425543

Allied Concrete