Awards 2025

Awards 2025

Awards Introduction

Entries Now Open for LOD 2025!

We are now accepting entries for 2025 via the Awardforce platform. This year, entries are open exclusively to RML Members and design students enrolled in 2024/2025 or those who completed their qualifications in 2023/2024.

The Landscapes of Distinction Awards offer an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your landscape and design projects, gaining recognition and national exposure for your business.

Please note the entry deadline has been extended to the 14th of March 2025.

Enter Online

Entry Guide    Print Friendly Entry Content Guide



About the Awards

This year the LOD competition has undergone a major review in response to requests from our membership.

We have reduced the number of categories; we have made the questions more clearly relevant to each particular skillset; and have collated all the general information required into one form minimizing the repetition that was a bug bear in the past.

We are also pleased to be shifting the emphasis slightly to acknowledge the overall success of the project as perceived by the client, as, after all, to meet or exceed their expectations is  our ultimate goal. Navigating the complex pathway through the various stages of a project requires knowledge, skill and diplomacy – hallmarks of the professionalism we are seeking to celebrate.

Other changes include the restriction of the competition to members only, and the changing of the judging team to include practitioners.  We are delighted that Penny Cliffin, our Head Judge, is staying on to provide continuity.'


Entry Fees

Standard Categories: $250.00 + GST per category.

Student Design Category: Free for design students enrolled in 2024/2025 or those who completed their qualifications in 2023/2024.

Entry fees must be paid online via credit card at the time of submission. A merchant fee will apply for Visa or 



To discuss sponsorship opportunities


Acting CEO: 

Janet Clarke

[email protected]

PH 021 284 9515



RML Landscapes of Distinction

Key Dates 2025

Entries Now Open

Entries close 5:00pm

14 Mar


People’s Choice Voting Opens

 1 May


AWARDS Gala Dinner

Hilton Auckland, 147 Quay Street, Princes Wharf


26 July






Key Dates

Awards Categories


This year there are 13 entry categories across residential, commercial, and environmental works. You can enter one or multiple projects into as many categories as you choose. This year, the Horticulture category has been removed, with questions relating to the projects that cover the installation of planting being included under the Build category – much as Planting as an offering is included under the Build section of our membership.


  • LANDSCAPE DESIGN up to 500m²
  • LANDSCAPE DESIGN over 500m²

Key criteria for judging will be the success of the integration of the design and technical solutions with the site and the value of the contribution of individual design elements to enhance the overall concept.

  • LANDSCAPE BUILD up to $250,000
  • LANDSCAPE BUILD over $250,000

Projects may include elements of soft landscaping, though the judges will especially be looking at construction skill and/or planting skill sets and methodology. Green Wall projects may also be judged under this category.


  • LANDSCAPE DESIGN up to 2,000m²
  • LANDSCAPE DESIGN over 2,000m²

Submissions in these categories will be assessed on the overall design of the space with an emphasis on the successful integration of design elements, their relationship to the site/situation, and the use of technical solutions in landscape construction design details.

  • LANDSCAPE BUILD up to $500,000
  • LANDSCAPE BUILD over $500,000

Projects may include elements of soft landscaping, though the judges will especially be looking at construction skill and/or planting skill sets and methodology. Green Wall projects may also be judged under this category.


  • MAINTAIN up to 1,500m²
  • MAINTAIN over 1,500m²

Given the numbers of entries into these categories in the past, this year, the management and maintenance of gardens in either the private or public sector have been grouped together.

Submissions in these categories will be assessed on the maintenance programme in place, the appearance and health of the garden, and the impact that this programme has had on the design aesthetic.


Open project budget and property size

The emphasis is on outcomes that demonstrate enhancement of sustainable natural landscapes through restoration and new plantings. This can include but is not limited to public park restoration and land rehabilitation for conservation and can form part of a larger scheme.

Projects that qualify in this category can include waterway/stream planting, community gardens as well as broader private landscapes such as lifestyle blocks.


Projects entered under this category must also be entered in at least one main category. The judges will be looking for a comprehensive approach to sustainability in the construction/installation of the project – strategies and materials used – and the appropriateness for the location.


Students who are currently studying or are within one year of leaving study. Projects in this category will be assessed on submitted design plans. Judges will also consider how the project plans will successfully serve the client brief and respond to site conditions. The judges are looking for creative design solutions, and excellent graphic communication.


$250+gst per category for accredited Members (To find out more about becoming a member go online to )

Free of charge for students entering the Student Design category.

Category Awards

 In each project category, entries are judged for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. 

Premier Awards

These awards recognise the best overall category projects from the winning entries. Premier winners are judged as the overall winner across Residential and Commercial Projects categories for:

  • Best Residential Design Project of the Year
  • Best Commercial Design Project of the Year
  • Best Residential Build Project of the Year
  • Best Commercial Build Project of the Year
  • Best Maintenance Project of the Year
  • Best Environmental / Revegetation Project of the Year

Supreme Award - Landscape of the Year

The winning entry of the supreme award "Landscape of the Year" will be based on a built garden project.

All winning entries in the Premier categories become eligible to win the Landscape of the Year Award (Members Only).


Celebration Dinner


Join us for a night of celebration on

21 September 2024

on the Wellington waterfront as we celebrate our 2024 Prebbles Young Landscaper of the Year and Outstanding Achievement winners, and past and present Landscape Legacy legends! 

Guests will be greeted with nibbles and drinks. Following the YLOY award ceremony, guests will be invited to enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by Foxglove’s esteemed chefs, accompanied by wine and beer. 

Tickets for the evening are...

Single Ticket


Ten Person Table




Opportunities to sponsor this prestigious event are now available.

We have a range of options and can also work with you to develop customised sponsorship package.   

Contact [email protected]

If you haven't already. Signup here to receive our newsletter and updates on 2024 Events.



LOD Entry Webinar

Guide to Entering The 2023 Landscapes of Distinction Awards

2 Dates available to attend

  Thursday 30 March   10am 
  Thursday 20 April   10am 


The webinars cover

  • An overview of this year’s awards, categories, and key entrant dates
  • Tips from the judges on writing a great entry, plus what supporting information to provide
  • Examples of good photos
  • Shared insights into the judging process and score criteria
  • A walk you through  the online entry process
  • Q&A session

Whether you have entered before or not, this webinar will give you insider knowledge to make sure your compelling story stands out through the judging process.

Submit your webinar  questions for the judges

Do you have a question you would like covered in the webinar Q&A section?

 Submit your question  here




Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates.

Awards Updates

Entries are now open for Young Landscaper of the Year 2023 

This competition offers significant opportunities for young, motivated landscapers to showcase their skills and compete against the best emerging landscape professionals to become 2023 New Zealand Young Landscaper of the Year!

Open to young landscapers throughout New Zealand, entrants do not have to be working for a Registered Master Landscaper to enter the competition.



Now is the time to have your say! The Landscapes of Distinction People's Choice Awards celebrates the top landscape projects across the country, as voted by the New Zealand public.


The 2023 Landscapes of Distinction  Awards culminate in a grand celebratory Gala Dinner to be held at the  Dunedin Town Hall  on Saturday 2nd September  2023